@#$ U2 MP3's @ The U2 Attraction $#@

PopMartian ([email protected])
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 14:20:09 -0700

The MP3's are *finally* updated, and the puzzle soon will be too. For
those of you who have had trouble downloading the songs, the problem
should be fixed now, but you can't use GetRight to get the files because
WebJump is all messed up. Even if you use the actual source link to let
GetRight download it. That's the reason some weren't working before...I
don't know...why don't they just let us post our MP3's????!!!!
        Anyways, the songs posted this week are all from U2-3, U2's first ever
-Stories For Boys
-Out of Control

And for those of you who don't know, these songs are different than the
ones that appear on U2's debut album, BOY.

        Sorry for the lengths of time between updates (especially the
puzzle!). I'd give you all excuses, but you probably don't want to hear

        Has anyone heard WHERE the collaboration of U2 and Salman Rushdie will
be released? It will be in April on the internet, but the internet is a
big "place".

Anyways, I have to go to work.

Have fun!
Fraser The PopMartian

                             __    __  ________
       Visit PopMartian's   / /   / / /_____  /   Attraction!
	        Get Some   / /   / / ______/ /   MP3's!
               Play The   / /   / / / ______/   Puzzle!
	        Deform 	 / /___/ / / /_____    Pictures!
             Official   /_______/ /_______/   Affiliate Edmonton!
		    Check Out The U2 MP3 WebRing!	 

--- http://www.connect.ab.ca/~bak ---

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.0b2 on Sat Jan 30 1999 - 13:23:35 PST