Wire you crack me up! :)

Tanya ([email protected])
Sat, 30 Jan 1999 19:34:55 -0500

"Zoo hearts" ---that's funny! And as for Bono being sexy and amazing at
38, I couldn't agree more. But I don't equate a passionate soul with good
sex (although it's highly probable). Not that I'd turn the man down, but
one just can't assume he would be a sex god.... Especially considering one
night stands, which I would have a hard time seeing Bono engage in unless
he totally connected with the woman.

Ok, I'm gonna retract something I said a couple of months ago about not
caring about the band's personal lives (I'm sure someone out there is
keeping track of those things).
Were Bono and Ali really separated? If so, does anyone know the
circumstances? That sucks :( I remember being so sad when I heard about
Edge's divorce :( And it wasn't until a couple of months ago I heard about
him and Morleigh (sp?). What can I say? I live in a mostly non-U2 world.
But anyway, so I was really happy for Edge then. But I still feel bad
because I don't think anyone wants to have a divorce. But getting back to
Bono and Ali, even though I'm insanely jealous of the woman, she must be a
fantastic lady! And I've always thought it was sweet and great that they
were together since high school. She seems to be a pretty independent
woman, which might be what keeps Bono coming back. Plus there's an
intimacy that comes with sharing your life totally and completely with
someone that can transcend even infidelity (not saying he was; I have no

And now for some U2 fun! I was out the other night having a grand old time
at a bar where some people were writing their names on the wall. I took
this girl's pen and wrote
"U2 forever" and my name, which was about as clever as I could be at the
time... ;) I just thought it was awesome and I hope it stays up there!


Loving Dublin Popmart :) and UF live :)

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