Re: Overlooked songs by U2

Matt McGee ([email protected])
Sun, 31 Jan 1999 23:06:19 -0800

At 12:03 AM -0500 2/1/99, Steve wrote:
>I couldn't agree with this more. In my opinion U2 are dangerously close to
>becoming a Greatest Hits band live. Take Popmart for example. Each show
>gave us about 6-7 new songs from Pop, but the rest were all the "big hits"
>from years past. The same songs. Every night. For over a year. What
>happened here?

Steve, I don't disagree with anything you said at all. But I come from a
different perspective -- what other choice do they have but to perform the
big hits in concert?

Seriously, how would you feel if you went to one PopMart show and you
didn't hear With or Without You, One, and Pride? (Alright, I could
personally live without Pride at EVERY show at this point....) What if
there were no Streets? I remember the first 6 months of the tour in 1997,
Wire was rife with posts from pissed-off U2 fans who were angry at not
getting to hear Sunday, Bloody Sunday.

I'm not trying to be argumentative. I just think when a band has been
making records for close to 20 years, it's inevitable that the live shows
are going to be filled more often than not with the hits. It's almost a
musical version of Survival of the Fittest -- how about Survival of the
Hits? :-)

As much as I'd also like to hear some of the more obscure songs every now
and then, I'm sure they're well-aware that at this point in their career
they get a lot of concert-goers who show up only to hear the (old) big
hits. The crowd reaction during any PopMart show proves that.

But ... I do think we'll continue to hear "Gone" at future shows. I think
that falls into the same category as "Until the End of the World," a great
live song that was never a hit but the band just loves to play live.

Matt McGee [email protected]

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