Big Black Hole

Scaboroth ([email protected])
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 08:21:21 -0800 (PST)

There was a version of Discotheque, released on one of the larger
singles, that was remixed by Harry B and then by Howie B. The song is
more distinctive a remix than the average, by which I mean it is
significantly different from the original. The first part of the song
is mostly beepy noises with Bono crooning "Heaven in you heart" but
halfway through a totally smutty bassline busts out and Bono goes into
this long soliloquy about the different things he's a slave to. And
ends up diving into a big - big black - hole!
What I wanted to know was if anyone had the lyrics to this cut, as
there is a great deal of wordage coming out of Mr. Vox's mouth but too
much distortion to get much of it. Anyone, anyone?


Scabaroth fhtagn! Ia! Ia!

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