Frank Quinto is A Bad Trader

Natasa Liotsakis ([email protected])
Tue, 02 Feb 1999 17:07:26 -0700

Hello Wire,

 I just like to inform you of a bad trader and a liar. Frank Quinto has
promised me on three diffrent occasions that he sent me The VH1 Legonds
show, I still have not recieved it. I gulibly beilieved him. Over a
month has passed of him leading me on, causing me to delay getting in
touch with another person to tape the show for me. So I strongly advise
you to NEVER TRADE WITH FRANK QUINTO. I suggest you spread the word, I
know I will. Franks's E-mail address is: [email protected]

Of course I will be willing to retrack this statment if I see a Vh1
Legonds Show and the Las Vegas pro shot show that I was also promised in
my mailbox.

Again I say don't trade with Frank Quinto. Trade with honest peaple like

Thank For Your Time,
Take Care

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