David Doran Dublin News

[email protected]
Tue, 2 Feb 1999 19:52:15 EST

Hello kids ...

It's obvious that none of our opinions count here. I don't know why Joel
prefers David to not post Dublin News.

As a person who travels a bit, and I do mean quite a bit, I enjoy reading
David's posts. And the last one "Ireland for Beginners" was a hoot (southern
us slang -- thank you very much)! I plan to go back to Dublin as often as I
can this year, and the years to come. I know there are several people here
who have a week or so on their calendar to head to Dublin to visit the "Home
of U2" -- (hoping this does not bring back the Dublin's Claim to Fame is U2
issue). So the updates have been relevant, and lighthearted. What the hell is
wrong with that!?! At least it's not a YKYAWW post -- Which I have been
guilty of in the past.

So I suppose the next time we see something that does not have a U or a 2 in
it ... I suppose we should all be the Ufucking2 police and report them to
Officer Joel.

I have no problem with Wire, other than the fact that people to get off
subject and beating dead horses and all, but it seems from reading posts these
last few days (Thanks to Elena Espinoza -=- the coolest woman in the world)
that most people here enjoy David's posts. Pubic ... or pleba -- whatever --

David ... I will be in Dublin in just a few more weeks. I will definitely by
you that pint, and afterwards we can piss on Wire.

Not entirely happy today ... Adam, honey-lips, I need a hug.
Shannon Carey-Thorpe

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