thanks, shooting, and more stuff

Dara Zeehandelaar ([email protected])
Wed, 03 Feb 1999 22:48:46 -0800

::sigh:: OK, so Bono isn't there. Am I going tomorrow after finals and
soccer pratice anyway, to get pictures of the signs and make my U2
presence known? Yep, surely! A huge thank you to those who posted info
about shooting times and the address of the lcoation and any other
information they had!

wearing lemon,


PS: Nikki wrote this:
>P.S. Do any of you guys ever drive by that Irish Whisky Pub on Sunset
>called DUBLIN'S and just feel the need to honk and roll down your
>and let out a big ol' "WOOO HOOOOOO!"? I swear, I can't help it. Every
>time, man... It's like it's just *calling* my name. Too bad I'm not

Wow, I thought I was the only one who felt this inexorable pull towards
that place...every time I drive by I get that "WOOOHOOO" kind of


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