Future tours

Rose L. ([email protected])
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 10:40:10 PST

I'm gonna share my thoughts on this one.

Matt McGee asked how we would feel if U2 dumped all 80's material and
went to an all-90s set list for the next tour. I don't know how many
people know this, but I'm gonna confess that I've never been to a U2
concert. I've only been old enough to go since Zoo TV... maybe. But of
course they didn't come to my forsaken town for that tour. I missed
Pop... because of a really stupid reason. So anyway, in short I've never
seen U2 live except on tape and that isn't the same thing.

If they went all 90s, I'd feel I had missed out on some of the older
stuff! But when I think about it, do I really need to hear "Pride" or
ISHFWILF or "Bullet"? Sure, I'd love to, but they do need to move on.
All three of the songs I just mentioned are great songs, but they've
been regulars for 15 and 12 years. They've been done every possible way.
Instead of wearing them out, as some people have already mentioned, it's
better to cut them and develop other songs that haven't had the chance
to be toured. I was *stoked* when I heard IWF surge in after Mofo on the
Pop tour (video only :( ). It would be great if they chose to develop
other songs for live gigs. Though they could be even from the Boy years,
they could make 'em sound new and that would ROCK!

Of course, we have to think about the people that would be there though.
Wire is an exclusive community in that all of us here are raving
fanatics!!! Not everyone that goes to concerts is. A lot of people go
*expecting* to hear Pride, ISHFWILF etc. If they don't get them, they go
home unhappy. Sad, but true. Just the way it works.

On another note, songs that have continued to grow and are nowhere near
the end of their lifespan are "One", "Bad", and WTSHNN. Definitely
keepers just cuz they keep gettin' better every time.

Songs I wish U2 would dig out again, or for the first time:
        Stay (I agree with J... or whoever it was)
        The Electric Co.- A more grown-up, reworked version would be soo
        The Unforgettable Fire, up-dated
Oh, and never cut NYD. Still love that one!


Kudos for Elena who reminds us to stop being so whiney about the
Reflector Site! Darci does it for free and she does a great job. So it
was down for a few days and people were complaining about it. Me
included! Kinda take it for granted when it *is* up, huh?

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