Re: SET LIST's So if they don't do yours you wont go??

Leann ([email protected])
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 13:06:06 -0800

Greetings Wireangels

I don't really care what songs they play on their next tour. You know
what, they could play Pride seven times in a row and I would still be
filled with joy. Let them decide what they want to play, what makes
them feel good and inspired.

I hope that they actually tour again, that's what I'm looking forward
to. What songs they may play, that's their business and it could be
Sesame Street tunes for all I care. That doesn't mean that I don't want
quality, variety or I'm happy with anything that they decide to do, I
would just be excited to see them live, to hear the amazing sounds that
they make together (and be inspired by the magic that is U2). They've
never let me down in the past, doubt it will happen in the future.


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