The Troy Maclure Solution

The Lentoids ([email protected])
Thu, 04 Feb 1999 14:23:01 -0700

(Hmmm, this post is kinda whacked, but what the hey)

Are you tiered of the wierd looks you get when rattling off massive
amounts of U2 info to your friends, family, complete strangers or parole
officer? I have perfected a system that takes those awkward moments and
turns them into pure comedy. Yes folks, you can disturb AND amuse at the
same time! I call this my Troy Maclure method. How does it work? If you
are familiar with the Simpsons, then you know that Troy Maclure is the
character who introduces himself like so;
" Hi, I'm actor Troy Maclure, you might remember me from such films
(infomercials, informative videos etc.)as..."
All YOU have do do is insert appropriate places and events, and you'll
have your friends rolling in the aisles. Still don't get it? Here are
some examples to help you along;

1) In Lit class -
Hi, I'm actor Troy Maclure, you might remember me from such obscure U2
references as
"Dante Schmante, lets watch Mr. Macphisto!" and
"Salman Rushdie, how cool, IS this guy? Pretty darn cool!"

2)Shopping with younger siblings;
Hi, I'm actor Troy Maclure, you might remember me from such fashion tips
"I TOLD you that colored shades and army fatigues and fisherman hats
were cool, but sis you listen to me? Noooooo." and
"I TOLD you that gold lame suits and really tight appliqued pants were
cool...umm, never mind."

3) Getting pulled over for speeding;
Hi officer, I'm actor Troy Maclure, you might remember me from such lame
excuses as
" But, I'm trying to tell the young people of America that I'm going to
continue to f**k up the mainstream" and
"But, driving can get so BORING, so PREDICTBLE, sometimes you have to
shake things up a little."

O.K., I don't recomend that last one, but you get the picture! Be
creative people, six more weeks of winter.
Love V.V.

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