Re: Re: Rolling Stones cover U2 tune!

J ([email protected])
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 15:33:57 -0800 (PST)

It's not nice being called a moron but I decided to post this
"private" flame publicly as proof that there indeed are Wirelings who
take their craft too seriously and don't get to read between the lines
and see attempts at humor (although their may be failures). On the
contrary, I think posts like the one of KCF (the first guy to say that
the Stones covered U2's song), are posts that tend to make the list
look good instead of bad.



---Mark Howells <[email protected]> wrote:
> Holy shit!
> Two of you on the same damn list!
> "Paint it black" is a goddamned Rolling Stones song - it was U2 that
> the cover moron. How could you say that the rolling stone's version
> not as good as the original? It is the fucking original for shits
> sakes!
> Sheez, your making this list look really bad

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