Reasonable Prices For Boots

[email protected]
Fri, 10 Jul 1998 10:38:23 -0400

If anyone is interested in reasonable prices...I suggest checking out William
Miller's (lebono) page at I
got the Santiago show on 2 CDRs from him for like $17, which included Priority
Mail shipping and I think I had it within a week of sending him a check. Also
check out Marc the U2 Greek God's Page at He runs specials every once
in awhile too if you watch WIRE. I got the Pittsburgh show from him on 2CDRs
for like $16, again which included Priority Mail shipping and I got it within a
week of sending him money. I feel these are all very reasonable prices. I
can't got to The Wall and buy POP that cheap.

As I have said many times in the past....while my collection is not that
great...I will make a tape copy of any of my bootlegs for anyone if they send
me a blank tape and return postage. I hate dealing with money and my fellow doesn't seem right.

Just my thoughts.

[email protected]

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