@#$ U2 MP3's @ The U2 Attraction $#@ Mexico PopMart Release Date For North America...

PopMartian ([email protected])
Tue, 03 Nov 1998 19:22:05 -0700

Well, I don't know about everyone else, but I'm enjoying the heck out
of my Best Of and B-Sides! And the rumour going around now about the
Mexico PopMart is that it's being released on either Nov 10th or Nov
18th in North America...True? Is that I why I couldn't find it in the

        And now for the MP3's...

I have two live tracks, one from Washington on the ZooTV Tour, and yet
ANOTHER EDMONTON one from last June 15th, both requested. Another OLD
song is up as well, but it's not on the B-Sides Disc. Any guesses?
Come take a look! Well, I hope you enjoy them! Take it easy!

Rock'n'Roll, Dawggie!
Fraser The PopMartian

P.S. Now if I could just get my hands on one of those Best Of Promo
Posters...anyone know where I can get one if my local music store runs
out of them?

                             __    __  ________
       Visit PopMartian's   / /   / / /_____  /   Attraction!
	        Get Some   / /   / / ______/ /   MP3's!
               Play The   / /   / / / ______/   Puzzle!
	        Deform 	 / /___/ / / /_____    Pictures!
             Official   /_______/ /_______/   Affiliate Edmonton!		 

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