Russell Fuller ([email protected])
Wed, 22 Jul 1998 12:39:20 -0500


WOOOOOO-HOOOOOOO!!!!! It's my 17th Birthday today, and I just wanna
say thanks to all of you who have made this last year very memorable!!!!

The best day out of my 16th year to be alive was November 28, 1997 in
Houston, Texas where I saw POPMART and it was AWESOME!!

Welp...I hope to be getting a couple interview cd's today as well as the
Unforgettable Fire Video (official release..duh!)!!

All I have to say is LEMON POWER!!!! .............Off to Bonoland!!!

Kami "ILUVBONO" Fuller
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ guess i started a BIG thread about Wings of Desire and
Faraway So Close!!!

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