About fans' Ages: short message

Karine Maucourt ([email protected])
Tue, 11 Aug 1998 15:04 +0200 (MET)

                        Hi you all !

        Just to say i'm 32 next month and the main difference between "old"
fans and "young" fans is we're luckier than them because we're happy since
more long time. I mean, we live with U2 for many years now (i'm a fan since
83 and a die-hard fan since my first show in 89) and we usually know more
things about U2. And it's why i always answer without laughing to young fans
who ask for something i know for many years, like middle names, birthdates,
children names.....I consider we, old fans, have to share our knowledge with
the young fans. Obviously, we're more mature and it surely helps us to
better understand U2 thoughts. But to be young is not a defect. We all have
been young ;-).

        So, welcome to all the young fans all over the world !

        In the name of love


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