RE:I wonder if Bill Clinton Likes Greates Hits

[email protected]
Mon, 7 Sep 1998 09:15:43 EDT

Ok About this greatest hits thing. I have been reading the posts and decided
it's time to throw my hat into the ring. I would like to see a three CD set
of live greatest hit songs and unreleased stuff, like b-sides that never made
the cut or some hard to find songs like Jesus Christ. I prefer the unreleased
stuff but it's not gonna happen soon by the looks of it. I am a die hard fan
and am gonna see what they come out with for a GH album.. I might not get it
for the fact that I have the bootlegs of a lot of shows and want to enjoy the
live stuff. If thisGH is live stuff well then i might reconsider, I would love
to have a nice collection of live SB songs. If it's a simple collection of
pulling songs from all of the albums , then forget it.

Most of the time GH albums come out when a band is fading away but not always.
To the mainstream ( i am not talking about die hard fans here folks so hold
onto the flames for a few minutes more) POP was a flop, it was a
dissapointment for the most part as far as mianstream goes. but then again you
can have all of this rap crap doing great so it goes to show who the
'mainstream' are.

Ok onto Bill. Did he do it sure, does it affect his ablity to lead, no. and
that is all i care for. I hired the guy to lead, what he does as far as an
afwell that is up to him. i don't invite him into my bedroom and i don't want
to go into his, plain and simple. If he were leaking national secrets and
commiting treason, then by all means hang the guy. But to quote a great man
"Lest he who is without sin among you cast the first stone." We all screw up
and here is something to think about. this is a media hype and a political
agenda. FDR was president for 12 years, he had a mistress who all but lived
at the White House and Elenor had a woman lover , so you tell me this isn't
all media hype and political agenda, nobody raised a fuss back then so why
should they now. Clinton lied no doubt about it, but given the circumstance
anybody would have lied. think about it. I am not going to judge the guy,
it;'s not my place, as long as he can run the country the way he has been i
don't care who he sleeps with.

ok time to get off of the soap box.


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