Q Magazine On-line Now Reporting the Story

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Mon, 7 Sep 1998 08:23:07 EDT

U2 In The Money
on Sep 7 1998 12:29PM
For U2, Christmas has come early, with the Irish band having reportedly signed
a $50million deal to bring out three compilation albums. Such a massive pay-
out is far from unheard of in the music world, with stars such as Madonna and
Janet Jackson having in the past bagged contracts that big - but those deals
were for new songs, not previously recorded material. The first of the three
"Best of ..." albums - featuring material from U2's 10 previous albums which
have sold over 87 million copies worldwide in the band's 20-year history -
will be released by Polydor in time for Christmas, according to a report in
the Financial Times.

well, if the story continues gathering steam around the internet and it's not
true, U2 will more than likely do a formal denial, like they did for the Puff
Daddy remix rumour

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