Re: I wonder if Bill Clinton likes Greatest Hits albums..

Ignatious Wright ([email protected])
Mon, 07 Sep 1998 18:03:43 EDT

It is true that every sin is equal in God's eyes, but when the PRESIDENT
OF THE UNITED STATES is found to be "morrally corrupt" I find it hard to
follow his judgement in any issue. It is also true that we are all
sinners, myself included of course, but when I do sin I confess myself
to my lord and to those whom I may have hurt in the process.. as you can
see I'm no President. I find it hard to take U2 spiritually seriously
when they make a move like this.

"how could beauty be so kind, to an or-din-ary guy?"

Robbie wrote:
>U2 in general take their Christianity seriously.
>They are not into casting the first stone, even when it isn't
>the first stone. Millions of people in this country whose behavior
>wouldn't hold up to close scruitny have already cast plenty of
>stones. U2 consider him a friend, even if not a close one, and
>they don't turn their backs if a friend makes a bad error in
>behavior. I personally don't know a single preson that couldn't
>be called "morally corrupt" in some way. People shouldn't be
>judgmental, puritanical, hypocrites. Everytime I see someone on
>TV bashing Clinton (unually just to futher their political agende,
>not because they really care) I wonder what they're hidding.
>What are *you* hidding m?

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