Re: Judas????????

SILVINA ([email protected])
Mon, 7 Sep 98 19:21:13 PDT

Tim wrote:


>That's how I feel now. Betrayed.

>Yes, it does contradict numerous statements by the band, >(not inebriated
>spur-of-the-moment remarks to the press).

>Yes, it does contradict what millions of fans believe is (was) >U2's greatest
>asset - artistic integrity and contempt for money grabbing >ventures.

>Yes, it does piss me off. And I believe my anger is justified.

'Fuck you, Bono'
                        Patti Smith.

Some of you really DO take some things TOO seriuosly. Cheer up people. There
are worse things than U2 releasing a GH album...don't be so DOGMATIC about
it. Just don't buy it if you don't want to.

>'Fuck you, Bono'
                        Patti Smith.

HEYYY! Watch you mouth, kiddo! I love the man!
                                          Me, myself and I

Rosario, Argentina
"You want to know what crazy is. Crazy is majority rules. That's crazy."
(Brad Pitt- 12 Monkeys)

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