When Love Comes To Town..

Matthew Berg ([email protected])
Tue, 15 Sep 1998 08:08:36 -0400 (EDT)

Hello All,
        Is anyone else out there *NOT* surprised that WLCTT is on the
Greatest Hits? I personally really love that song, and I think it is
deserving of that spot. I think that U2 really liked it too. It certainly
was one of their more unique songs of the 80's in that they had B.B. King
there every (well not exactly every) time that they played it. They got to
play with a legend and that seemed like something great for them in the
80's. Let's be honest, would U2 have put it on there if they didn't like
it? I hardly could swallow that excuse. I know that I'm gonna be flamed
here, or criticized, but I guess that's all a part of WIRE (<---sarcasm).
When it comes down to it, it's U2's choice about what they want on and off
the project. WLCTT is on it, therefore U2 must have wanted it there. Also,
look at Bono in R&H when he's reading the lyrics to B.B. He really likes
them, you can just tell. So flame me, criticize me, or whatever; I don't
care. Lovetown forever,

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