Re: GH quotes

marvin ([email protected])
Fri, 16 Oct 1998 23:52:34 -0600

Wrning: because of the fact that this mail contains no new information I
understand if it makes you angry but here it goes:

the wise man nian wrote:

>And just so you know, I DO think that everyone needs to ACCEPT
>everything the band does. I DON'T expect everyone to AGREE on
>everything they do though.

>And I think that people who have been fans of this band for a long
>time know that they do crazy stuff. They do stuff we don't expect.
>Having some questions about these things is normal. But it is THEIR
>decision. In that way, we have to accept it because we don't have a
>choice not to. We don't have any say.

>We don't have to agree. If you don't agree that the GH album is a
>good idea then don't buy it! But don't bad-mouth the band because of
>a decision that they made. We don't have any idea of the
>circumstances that led to this. As fans we know a lot, but I'm sure
>we only know a SMALL percentage of what happens behind the scenes, and
>the ramifications that these decisions have.

>The point is that THEY are the band, THEY make the decisions and for
>us to condemn them for it is ludicrous.

**********Standing ovation**********
Now please let this dicussion rest in peace, Amen!


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