Alanis/U2 in U.S. charts

nian fiedler ([email protected])
Thu, 12 Nov 1998 07:48:41 -0800 (PST)

I do find it a bit odd that U2 only sold 237,400 albums last week. I
know that this is far better than other recent best of albums (Phil
Collins, Depeche Mode, etc..) but it still doesn't make a whole lot of
When I was in Best Buy getting the GH, I saw five other people grab it
in less than ten minutes. And that was at 11 o'clock in the morning
on Tuesday - hardly a big rush at most music stores.

>From what I've heard from my friends and from people on WIRE is that
there were a lot of people who were just so-so fans, or people who
don't normally (or recently) buy U2 albums who were on board for this
one. In that light, these numbers just don't add up.

What do you guys think?? Was it the price?? I know that if you
weren't a big fan you probably wouldn't even realize that this is a 2
cd set. And so if you see Alanis for $11.99 and U2 sitting next to it
for $18.99 some people will be put off. Or maybe since it is the more
so-so fan that is buying this, that they didn't rush out and get it
the first week????

I don't know!! What does WIRE think?? Also, do you think that it
will stand the test of time over the next few months, or will it drop
off the charts like REM and Depeche Mode did?

feedback would be appreciated


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