TBO booklet

Marty Will Follow ([email protected])
Thu, 26 Nov 1998 06:00:53 PST

Hello Wire,

Now everybody has TBO for a while, I would like to ask your opinions on
the following: What do you all think of the cover?
When I first saw the cover I thought that it was one of their worst
covers ever. For me it came close to October. But now I�ve seen it for a
while I do not only think it isn�t that bad, I even think that it is a
very good cover. For one thing, the cover has a clear and simple Image.
Here you have a boy who is looking back (don�t know why, but I think
that somebody who�s looking left is looking back and one who�s looking
right is looking forward). In short, it indicates that this is a
retrospective release. Further, the image of the boy with the helmet
conveys the image of U2 in the 80s. Innocent, naive, but at the same
time knowing not everything is right and preparing for it.
I also like the photo�s. Not one of those over-used publicity photo�s is
used, but new (old) material. Especially the Joshua Tree and Rattle and
Hum pictures are great. BTW, do you think that the band chose the pics?
I don�t think so, I think that it was Larry who decided which photo�s to
include and which not. He is the only one who is in all the pictures.
Adam can also be in all the pictures if he is the one behind Larry�s arm
(Zabriske point, Nevada, 1986 if I�m right (if not it is Bodie)), but
we�ll probably never know. And I think this is the first release with a
picture of Paul McGuinness.
The only thing I would have wished for, was the inclusion of a lyric
sheet. But you can�t have it all, unfortunately.

But what are your opinions?


Tell me the definition of a sell-out
Cast your first stone and then get the hell out
People say they know me, I can tell you that they don�t
People say they own me, I can tell you that they won�t

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