Re: Pinochet, Massera, Videla...ALL CRIMINAL !!!!

Mar Gonzalez ([email protected])
Fri, 27 Nov 1998 17:44:37 +0100

>Pinochet in prision in London....
> Massera in prision in Buenos Aires... (militar, criminal and children's
>thief from Argentina in prision since yesterday for children theft)
> Videla in prision in Buenos Aires.... (militar, criminal and children's
>thief from Argentina in prision since a few months ago for children theft)
Ana, enhorabuena por tu alegr�a. creo que es bien merecida y la comparto :))))
>Justice arrived at last...
Espero que esto sirva para que ning�n crimen contra la humanidad quede impune
no soy chilena ni argentina pero creo que tengo derecho a manifestar mi
opini�n sobre el tema

> I don't believe in lies,
> I don't believe in murder,
> I don't believe in politics,
> I don't believe in mind controlling nor censorship of any kind,
> I believe in justice,
> I believe in hope,
> I believe I am not alone
> 'cause I believe in you: people,
> I believe all over the world we can make a difference,
> I... I believe in love.
Definately, I agree Ana !!!
Those are great news for human rights !
Bono, Edge, Larry and Adam must be very happy for those news
I hope something in the world is changing


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