Mexico vid is ONLY 2nd night.

John Mitsakos ([email protected])
Wed, 9 Dec 1998 17:52:46 +0200

Hi Wire,

I don't know why some of us insist that the Mexico video has 1st night songs
in it. I have listened to the Mexico bootleg a million times, and I am sure
that all the songs are on the video. There are, of course, some edits (like
the words Bono says before "Last Night on Earth"), but the concert is
clearly 2nd night (December 3rd).
J mentioned that "One" is certainly 1st night, but I can't see why. Bono's
speech about Hutch is there, the little choke when he sings "Well, I can't
raise the dead" is there, the whole song is the same as it is on "Meximofo",
"Southern Accents" and all the other 2nd night boots.
I only have my doubts about "Bullet the Blue Sky", because I usually skip it
on the bootleg, but I don't think they had a reason to replace it with the
1st night version.
That's all,


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