Columbus PopMart on CD available

Rob Donaldson ([email protected])
Wed, 16 Dec 1998 04:05:23 +0000 (GMT)

Okay, okay. I know the concert in Columbus, Ohio was almost a year
and a have ago. *BUT*, if anybody wants to hear the concert that
"seriously pissed off" Bono, take note of the following.

Between now and January 1, 1999, if anybody wants a double CD copy of
the show, I am offering it one of two ways:

1. Simply put, two CD's for $7.99. This covers the costs of the CDs,
the case, printing, and priority mail shipping. Or else you can,

2. Make me a trade. Since the price of the double CDs is so low for
me to make and ship, I'm willing to accept audio tape-style trades.

Anyone who is interested, please email me at [email protected]

Like I said, I'll take 'requests' ('orders' sounds too stale) between
now and January 1. Depending on how things go, hopefully I will be
able to do this again.

The Zooropa Gatekeeper

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