Please, is there a kind fan who can make a VHS copy of U2 Legends?I missed it:-(

[email protected]
Tue, 5 Jan 1999 02:04:16 EST

Hey Wire,

I set my VCR to record it at a time that VH1 said it would be on and they were
wrong! I recorded a hour of worthless music vids of other crappy bands and it
made me sooo mad because I already had it taped but with the 1st min cut off.
Every minute counts! I wanted to re-record it but it wasn't even on! It
erased my original copy of the show and I was hoping if ANYONE could make me a
copy if they have it on tape. DOES ANYONE? I will pay for the tape and

It needs to be VHS (NTSC)

Please e-mail me if you have it and can make a copy, I really don't want to
miss the best Legends program of U2 (The best band in the world)!



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