I Hate U2

Russell Bennett ([email protected])
Sat, 9 Jan 1999 14:45:21 -0500

Look, in all seriousness, the guy probably had a room mate who was a bit of
a fanatic (its been known to happen with U2), and probably played them all
the time. And not INITIALLY liking them, it was probably easier to hate
them. My girlfriend was one of those people. She HATED U2 and Bruce
Springsteen because of the freks she had lived with. But I helped her to
come around. I often find that when I play the songs on the guitar, people
like them better (if they are not U2 fans). They can hear the basic

A guy I lived above in residence claimed that he knew all the base lines of
every U2 song, just from me playing them. Imagine if you didn't like the
base lines of U2 - how annoying that would be (and some of them ain't so
hot - I turn the base down for the original version of Bad, the base adds
very little to the song). Of course, the base for Mysterious Ways is

Convert the unitiated!

Thought : Some people really hate Bono. He IS arrogant. When you see
deep into his soul, or hear deep into it, you forgive him. I love the guy.
 But hey I can put up with Jim Carrey too, so....


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