Just a few things...

amanda catton-johnson ([email protected])
Mon, 11 Jan 1999 14:58:02 PST

Hello WIRE. Kudos to whoever typed up "Rainspotting"! I LOVED it. It was
great and since I know the lead-in to Trainspotting by heart it sounded
even better in tempo.
Btw - I know this has probably been brought up before but I was not
reading my WIRE (shame, shame) when POP came out, but to point out
something I thought was rather interesting about it --- I was driving in
my car a nite sometime last week and listening to POP realized that
there are a lot of drug references in the entire cd. In Last Night On
Earth, Gone, Discotheque, etc. I was suprised because I had never heard
the cd like that before... I was wondering if anyone had heard the same
as me, and if maybe U2 did that on purpose or something? A common thread
for the album perhaps?

Oh and to all who read my questions last time... I was still wondering
11/26/97??????? Anyone have it??? I remember I was supposed to get put
on a tape tree and never recieved my copy. Anyone out there??? I have
lots to trade and will trade blanks too!

Also if anyone knows - how much age difference is there between Bono and
Ali??? Just wondering... was curious.

ALSO (last question, I promise) anyone have the book that reveals the
little boys of U2??? The baby pictures???? If anyone could make copies
for me or sell me their book, I'd be much abliged.

Thanx again!!!


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