More stuff...

Nemesis ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 19:07:43 +0000

Yes, I know, 2 posts in a row, I rambled the previous one up an 8 hours
ago, just didnt get around to sending it (its expensive to dial-in during
the day, yanno?)

Anyhow... today... Cold, rainy, windy, the usual, really. Rain, rain, rain.
Shiver, shiver, shiver. ~Shite, I forgot my watch, what time is it?~ Im
outside the studio. Sam's car is there, other than tha, there's noone. ~Ok,
Im gonna look stupid~ I walk up the road, the wind is ferocious, I like
that. Anyhow, down to the cornershop I guess, get a drink and see what's
happening then. Upon return there's 3 other people there ~Thank Gawd, at
least Im only gonna look a quarter as stupid as I was gonna before, ok, I
can handle this.~

We wait.

It rains.

We wait longer.

It rains more.

Adam's little green VW Polo pulls up... people go nervous. I look. He
looks... and that's about it as far as Adam goes. He parks his car right up
the door and skips off inside. He's got sense.

It rains.

We wait.

It rains more.

Edge pulls up in his gray stationwagon, gives us a 'Youre-all-bloody-nuts'
look and skips off inside. Don't you just hate sensible people?

Bono's big gray Merc drives right past us. He's on the phone. The wipers of
the car go *woosh*woosh* (not unlike the sound baby chickens make when the
shredder gets them, but thats an entirely different story, and not suitable
for children < 16). Bono is still on the phone *woosh*woosh* Larry pulls up
*woosh*woosh* Larry gets out of his VW and seems to do the sensible trick
as well. Someone calls out to him and he walks over. Bono gets off the
phone, turns of the engine and the *woosh*woosh*ing stops. B: "Hoi, hoi" he
says. ~Uh, right~ I think. Larry is talking to the women next to me, I
dont hear, Bono takes over B: "Is he talking to yis? It must be Christmas"
~Uh, yeah, a few weeks ago, indeed~ Someone asks him to sign something, he
does and draws a little christmas tree. ~Cute. Very artistic too. What
planet are you on? Sooooo....~ I decide to speak, "Tellus, what's Gavin
doing these days?" Bono looks up. His sunnies are very orange. ~Why is he
wearing sunnies, its bloody raining and I know coz Im cold and soaked~ B:
"He's really excited, coz he finally got back to work", followed by some
sort of shrugging motion, which seems to indicate he doesnt have a clue
what the hell it does Gavin actually does. ~Hmmm, Ok, soooo...~ "Does he
actually have someone to release his work for him?"
B: "Yeah"
~Whoa, cool, alright... uhm~ "Who?"
B: "He doesnt want to say"

"Sooooo, Bono, did you read what Gavin said about you in the Hot Press?",
his eyes turn towards you, I grin, knowing full well what Gavin said. B:
"Uh, no, which one the last one?". My grins broadens "Uh-huh, the Xmas one"
B: "So tell me what it says" ~Hee, hee, youre gonna hate me~ "I had better
not tell". B: "Aw, gowon". Im weak, I give in, besides, I might never get
an opportunity like this again "Welll.... Its, like, you go into town with
Bono and it's like, Who the fuck do you think you are, youre only a dwarf
with an attitude" ~Shazam!~ I grin. He grins. He replies B: "He's *SO*
dead". I like him, he's funny. A few minutes (seconds?) pass and he gets
back with B: "Gavin is a weight-watcher with an attitude" ~Eh?~
"Uuuuhhh.... you can do better than that Bono" B: "I could, but I held
back" ~Pfffftttt.... wimp~

Anyhow, I remember to ask something band related, if only to keep yis happy
"So what are you lot doing, recording?". He looks up from what he was
signing, pulls a straight, very serious face B: "Knitting" he says B: "We
do a lot of knitting" he pauses briefly B: "We got all these knitting
machines and weaving..." ~Oki... sure...~ "Uhm, Bono? Im looking to get
this curtains made up... " (I do too!). He looks at me B: "Curtains?
Pfffftttt, who do you think we are?" ~Touch�, but damnit, I really need
those curtains. He starts getting uncomfy, obviously wanting to move, idly
making some weather talk B: "Great day to come out here" (or something to
that respect) "Yeah, we thought you might have pity on us, but it didnt
work..." the conversation ends. He skips off, exclaiming B: "Martyrs in the
making" just before he enters the studio.

It has stopped raining.

>From a very cold and wet, but superb as always Dublin,

     Time flies when you don't know what you're doing

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