Goodbye #23! Why it is so cool to love Rock icons and Sports icons!

Christopher John Nemec ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 13:57:19 -0600

    Michael Jordan retired Wednesday, as I'm sure most of you know
already, and my love of the Chicago Bulls is second only to U2. So, I'm
sitting there, watching ESPN's coverage and the new Nike commercial, the
best commercial I've ever seen, and something dawned on me. We as
wirelings and anyone who has become obssessed, crazy or just plain loves
a band, an athlete, or whatever, should feel pretty lucky. To find
solace in M.J. and U2, I've found two tremendous icons to shelter me
from hard times and help me celebrate the good ones. I mean, for two
hours, two or three times a week, I could just relax and watch Mr.
Jordan put on a show of athleticism that was far beyond anything we
could dream of, I wouldn't think about school or trouble with my
girlfriend. Just the same, when U2 was on stage, finishing Please and
leading into Streets @ St. Louis Popmart, I felt no could
only describe the feeling.
    I guess in the end, there will only be a few things more exciting
then the above. One will be my wedding (and for anyone who has
experienced this, I am sure they can agree) and two, will be the birth
of my children. It seems kinda crazy, but that is what makes it so cool
to love Rock and Roll and Sports icons. Where the Streets Have No
Name...that is where they take us.
    Thanks MJ, and I hope U2 keeps giving us moments of complete joy for
years to come.


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