rumors :-P

Kathryn Bower ([email protected])
Thu, 14 Jan 1999 20:51:01 -0500

::sigh:: is there a full moon out?

first we have Poptican (who for some reason left out the second "i" in his

>I am
>thoroughly shocked at the
>immature way this mailing list reacted to my findings.

So we're all supposed to believe everything we read on the Internet? That
post was total b.s., and we saw right through it. Next!

Rhonda pouted:

>I got so many rude responses regarding the 6 nights that I heard about. I'm
>just passing on information that I'm real confident about being true.

>Next time I'll just keep my mouthy shut.

Same can't believe everything you read on the 'Net, especially
when it comes from folks who just pop up and claim they heard it. We all
know who the real reliable sources on this list are... =) I could post that
U2 is going to play the HFStival here in DC this summer, and demand that you
all believe me, but unless I have info to back it up you'd be better off not
believing it.

rock on,
Kathryn :)

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