Re: Dublin News (ie Dave and Patty having a tiff)

Souk & Shary ([email protected])
Tue, 19 Jan 1999 08:42:38 -0800

  What a relief! Now, let's ALL go out for a pint of something! See you in March! : ) Shary the B.S.
girl-travel agent (and Melissa the Island runner up winner). Yeah, just showin' off. ; > Shary
   P.S. Dave~ have you seen my sticker site? (I'm only advertising it, like, every other day till I
run out which will be soon! He he.) I was wondering if the use of the Claddagh was in anyway
inappropriate/ unfitting or beyond corny? I'm thinking of bringing a few stickers over to Ireland
with me (some to stick to the wall) and was wondering how most Irish fans might react to it? ~Shary
 TADA! Oh... there I go again!

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