Re: Rattle andHum also had some editing mistakes

J ([email protected])
Thu, 21 Jan 1999 17:41:37 -0800 (PST)

Well, that was exactly what I was afraid of ....some guy would try to
defend in on the basis of the notion that it was intentionally done by
Joanou for artistic value or something to that extent.

Well, in SF, the spray painting footage lasted quite long and was
recurring, just like the slo mosin Bad. The "Angel Of Harlem" thingie
didn't even last a second I think (just two chords not matching the
music which adds up to a seconds or less considering Angel Of Harlem's
upbeat tempo). It is not even noticeable to regular viewers. If you
really want, I can watch it and tell you what time (with my AC-3
verson LD) it goes to the boo-boo.

As for SF and U2, I'm not sure if Bono realized that he was playing SF
when he made that comment, but I couldbe wrong.


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