Sunday Bloody Sunday featured in Video game ad.

The_Fly ([email protected])
Sun, 02 Aug 1998 18:32:53 -0400

I was just crusin' through (a video game
industry website) and saw a funny little ad they had posted. It's for
the demo of a game called Sin (I think) and the ad said 'Sinday Bloody
Sinday'. It's nothing much, but I think it deserves a mention. It's nice
to see that an old favorite of ours (Sunday Bloody Sunday) is still so
much a part of popular culture today that 13-year old videogame playing
punks are expected to make the connection.

On the other hand it kinda pissed me off that a song about the horrors
of war and the tragic series of emotions that war brings upon the people
is being used to promote a satanic-looking video game aimed at little
devil children who find it cool to run around killing and destroying
(and to all those video game freaks out there, I am anti-Liberman.
Mortal Kombat will not send me on a killing spree -- he needs to get a

I dunno, maybe I'm just overanalyzing it all (it's just a stupid ad).
Anyway, I have to add on my hard drive and it is available upon request
via personal e-mail.

Edge's smelly feet -- bad vibes man.

"The i Fly"

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