U2 Sucks Page - What never ceases to maze me

J ([email protected])
Tue, 12 Jan 1999 01:12:39 -0800 (PST)

What never ceases to amaze me is the sheer number of people who are so
quick to come up to U2's defense just for one crappy page (or maybe
one lame or crappy post for that matter). Why bother to pay attention
to that?

I know that all subscribers to Wire love U2's music and listen to them
a lot. I thought they were just fans. I never knew that there were a
lot of lurkers out there who were U2-obsessive extremists, rightists,
and perhaps stalkers. I never cease to be amazed at all the pains and
hardships a lot of your go through just to defend U2 on your posts
just because of that U2 sucks page. As if the page owner will visit
Wire. Come to think of it, at least he did make a U2 page when a lot
of us don't even try to make one.

I can imagine the webpage owner now laughing at all of you guys who
dared to pay attention and defend U2 to the last drop of your blood.
And personally, I never cease to be amazed by you guys too.




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