re: play bad and underated songs

Stuart Murphy ([email protected])
Fri, 5 Feb 1999 10:02:02 -0000

People say that kind of crap all the time. "We made you who you are today",
"You owe it to us". It's all a load of bollocks.
They made them what they are today. We went out and bought thier music,
sure, but would we have done so had they been a terrible band ? I dont think
so, and who made them a good band ? They did !!
They owe us nothing. They could stop doing all this stuff tomorrow and we
would not have the right to complain.
As for what songs they play, well i have been following this thread and one
major thing occurs to me. All of thier songs are hits ( with the fans if not
the record buying public in some cases) and therefore of course thier gigs
come across like a greatest hits package. I know from personal experience
that after playing a song for 300+ gigs it gets right on your tits. It does
make it more bearable if you can do something to spice it up a bit but even
then it has a limited life.
As for songs that i think are neglected ; Tomorrow, Rejoice, A Celebration (
Why was it not included on the best of 1980-90 ?)Another time another place,
An cat dubh.

I have just re-read my posting and i sound like an angry young man. I'm not

I believe in a celebration


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