Re: I wonder if Bill Clinton likes Greatest Hits albums..

John J. Hlavaty ([email protected])
Tue, 08 Sep 1998 12:48:59 -0500

Ignatious Wright ([email protected]) wrote:
> It is true that every sin is equal in God's eyes, but when the
> PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES is found to be "morrally corrupt" I
> find it hard to follow his judgement in any issue. It is also true
> that we are all sinners, myself included of course, but when I
> do sin I confess myself to my lord and to those whom I may have
> hurt in the process.. as you can
> see I'm no President. I find it hard to take U2 spiritually seriously
> when they make a move like this.

WOW! I hope I *never* have the DISpleasure of meeting you!

How dare you presume that Clinton also
hasn't "confessed himself to his Lord and to those
whom he may have hurt" by his sin? The world you live
in is nothing compared to Clinton's world. Even U2
don't receive that type of global recognition and pressure.
Granted, Clinton knew this going in to office, but
the U.S. President is one of the most critically
scrutinized people in all of the world. The only person
coming close was the late Princess Diana. So you really
have no idea what Clinton's personal life is like.
You just see tidbits thrown out by an ever cruel
and intrusive media and have made your judgment.

This is not to defend Clinton's actions, for clearly they
were stupid. Anyone holding that type of office
should keep his zipper closed. Considering I honor the commitment
of marriage, I too feel his moral character is weak.
But this does not necessarily reflect upon his
business, diplomatic or governing skills. These
are what are required to maintain his office, not
his sex-life. I have faith in Clinton to maintain
that aspect of his office, even though his personal
behavior was lacking.

Lastly, the basis for Christianity is forgiveness
and love. How ironic that time after time I
hear people attack those who are the
most Christian. Clinton and the members of U2
are friends (on some level). And as a friend, they
offer support, understanding and forgiveness.
They may not approve of Clinton's actions, but they
have the ability to move past them. U2 are
acting as true Christians. It's most humorous that
you question U2's spirtuality for acting in the
most God-like manner possible. Perhaps you should
be questioning your own.



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